Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day Ride

With about an hours notice, Chuck & I packed up and headed North on I15 to the Browse exit. We parked, unloaded the Rhinos and headed off into the cedar trees.

10 varieties of wild flowers were showing off for us.

We followed Laron under the freeway and towards Pine Valley Mountain.

This is one of the few places on the trail without rocks--I mean big rocks. Chuck and I got stuck on a boulder and had to dig out and then Chuck and Laron used their muscles and backs to get the boulder off the road. I accidentally deleted that pix.
Mother Nature does such a great job with landscaping

Lee had to try the obstacle cattle guard.
End of the old wagon trail.
Linda fixed 6 scrumptous gourmet hamburgers with mushrooms, onions, bacon and cheese on this nifty grill
We look forward to more outings with great friends and great weather.


I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

Very fun. Glad you have such good friends.

Meridy said...

Southern Utah is beautiful!

Kristina said...

Yes I agree Mother Nature is a beautiful thing!!