Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Isaac had a Fairy Grandmother for a week
Savannah and Sophia graduated from crib/toddler beds to these pretty birthday beds.
Nick says they better last forever.
One of Isaac's projects

I"ve been with Emily and her family for a week. It's been so fun to be with our Wyoming kids! I've tried to post before, but my little computer gave me some message about "cookies" not being set right. Now on this last morning when I should be packing, it decides I can sign on after all.
I've found my way around Cheyenne with Emily's direction notes and the navigation system in her new wheels. I've been her shuttle service and have decided it's another career I could fall back on if I need to.
I've had time to go to bed early and read 2 books, studied my Sunday School lesson and
played with the kids. I'm all caught up on the Sponge Bob episodes and Wonder Pets too. What ever happened to Oscar the Grouch and Cookie Monster ? Where is the "educational" in kid's TV today?
I caught a TV rerun of Wife Swap and told Emily it was a clean family show and she questioned how "Wife Swap" could be a family show.
We watched about half of Benjamin Button before we had to go to bed. The other half will be something to look forward to.
Yesterday we celebrated Sophia and Savannah's 4th birthday with a Cowgirl/Cowboy Bash.
Now, I'm off to the shower and the suitcase packing. I only brought carry on so it was easy to forgo shopping until I hit Las Vegas on my way home. Emily will take me to Fort Collins Colorado this morning and I'll fly back to Vegas where Nathan will pick me up and I'll drive home to see my Honey.
Thanks to my kids for being so good to me!


I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

You are one lucky Mom, how fun to go to Emily's.
Love those pink boots the girls have on. And my goodness, Isaac is so talented.

Meridy said...

How fun! The girl's rooms look darling!

Angie said...

What a fun trip. Move over Daisy Duke! We are glad that you are home!