Friday, September 25, 2009

Road Trip

Thursday Chuck and I headed for his Lund hideout.
We took a futon and hung drapes.

Next work project will be counter tops and sink and stove.

After watering trees and chasing off a coyote,
we took the dirt road to Cedar then up Highway 14 to the cabin

This is a sampling of how the leaves are putting on a show right now over Cedar Mountain.
This is where the deer and antelope roam in herds. Antelope were in Lund too, but they were one by one.
When we woke up this morning we named about 3 things we could do. We chose going to Panguitch and we were glad we did.
Susan's flowerbed in Panguitch--flowers love it there
We went to see Garret's new house and took a good pix of his old truck.
2 week old Lainey Sue and her Granny. She's being blessed this Sunday.

I could get used to this .GOV stuff .
Another set of fine days.

Hope you have some too! XOXO


I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

First of all, you were up pretty late, or pretty early in the morning.
I love the 'Bunkhouse' very fancy. Nice cupboards, love the floor.
Garret'struck needs to be in pictures.
Oh, how lovely are Susan's flowers.
And yhr new Baby, oh how precious!
See you guys in a minute, for another road trip, playing is the living end.
Love you!!

Angie said...

I'm glad that you are playing together. I love Garrett's truck, the leaves, the bunk house, and Lainey is a darling name.