Saturday, August 9, 2008

Peaches for My Peeps

This was one of today's projects. Chuck picked peaches and helped me bottle.
Tonight Shella & Kimber just brought home 4 handsome newly returned missionaries and we peeled about 3 qts of peaches to have over ice cream. Ice cream with peaches on top is delicious enough to win the Peach Day Recipe Contest--especially butter pecan ice cream.


Larsen's in Wyoming said...

Those peaches look amazing! I can't believe with your schedule you find time to bottle fruit! It is kind of rewarding when summer is over and the peaches are gone to look at your preserved peaches and know you can enjoy them later. Where did Shella and Kimber find 4 returned missionaries?

Shella said...
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Shella said...

hahaha What can I say, we're magnets! They were just some of our friends from high school that are now coming home. I like peaches! Next time it'll be julius.

Kimber said...

Oh MAN those peaches were good! Thanks so much! And we really need to come over and have a jam session again...not peach jam, but a jam with know...that was fun.