Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lund Campout Adventure

We spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday riding with friends and exploring the mountains and country near Lund. We were on a natural resources research and development project. Tuesday we logged 108.5 miles and Wednesday it was about 80 miles. My thumb that I used to push the gas lever on my Rincon may never be the same. We have found what is on the other side of the hill in many places.
I wanted to make a SMILEBOX of the pictures, but I can't figure it out. Meridy-when are you coming?
I'll try putting the pix on just the only way I know how. But-- I'm going to put them on backwards so they will be right side up when I finish this time.

Lee & Klea's campsite

Ron & Pam's Chuck & Cheryl's

Laron & Linda's

Have you ever been "Out in the Middle of Nowhere"?
Must be "Somewhere", because there is a sign.

Someone else was out riding. Do you recognize
this truck with the personalized license plate?

Wild Horses

We found that the signs are not necessarily accurate.
The sign read 32 miles back to Lund. I thought it read
22 miles (blurry sign) and the odometer registered 40 miles.
There is a big difference at the end of a rough road day.
We did not expect to find this rig, but it will be part of the research.
Ron will take orders for this hitch accessory.
Looking for gold at this abandoned mine site.
Linda was reading a Louis L'Amour book---
Could the story have happened here?

Does he look like a man who has just been run over by his 4 wheeler?
He rolled it on a steep hill trying to turn it around. Klea said that she
understands why I don't follow him everywhere.
Is this the Dead End Road?
No, just getting close to the end of a great day !


Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you

I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

Oh my goodness, I was enjoying all the pictures and then saw the one of Chuck, Ouch. Did you see it? At least he's smiling.
Looks like a wondeful time. That is alot of miles. How did you do?
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Hugs & Kisses

Larsen's in Wyoming said...

Wow, what an adventure! How did your beautiful manicured nails hold up? It's fun to get out and play with friends, but that looks dirty and tiring to me. Great pictures and posting, you're a pro at it now.

Shella said...

Definitely a pro blogger, Mom. ;) I love the picture of Dad! It's too bad he had to roll his 4-wheeler to get it.