Monday, May 12, 2008

My Mother

I was in church this week, and the speaker happened to be talking about mothers. The speaker asked us to recall what it felt like to be hugged by our mother and sit in her lap. I thought about it, and I could not remember what that felt like. When I think of hugging Mom, I just don't think about being able to fit in her lap. I think about bending down to hug her.
I guess it is because I didn't have so many insecurities when I was little. I felt more insecure when I was in middle school. My relationship with Mom was really important to me at that time. I thought of myself as being cool because I had a good, functioning relationship with my mom, while so many other middle schoolers were at odds with theirs. In retrospect, I was actually leaning heavily on that relationship. When I bent down to hug Mom, I used to think, "Yah, I'm cool." In reality, Mom was cool. I drew much needed security from every hug. I count myself fortunate to have had her to guide me and help me be cool to this day.

1 comment:

I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

What a wonderful son you are, and what a blessed mother to have a son like you!
Love, Aunt Venna Rae