Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Costco Muffins & Popcorn

While Chuck and I were at Costco I was hungry and so all the food looked good. It was too late in the day to eat the samples in lieu of dinner. I took a look at the muffins and found that the bakery has added a new variety. Raisin Bran! I can report that they are very good and I'm sure they are healthy too. All that fiber and nutrition---they must be. We've eaten muffins for breakfast all week and the only one left is a poppy seed.
Next time I might get the package with only bran muffins and then the chocolate ones won't be calling out to me.

I used the Costco coupon to try this box of popcorn. The bag popped clear full, which is better than the other bags I have been popping for the grandkids lately. Microwave popcorn tends to get old quickly and doesn't pop as well as when fresh.
I got the 94% fat free so that I wouldn't put on a pound every time I had some. My report is that it's also 94% less tasty than good home popped or a buttered movie tub. 28 bags to go.

What is your taste test report?


I'm Stitching as fast as I can said...

Oh, you are funny.
And such a great Blogger.
We (I mean me) have been enjoying the Raisin Bread from Costco.
And also the delicious avocados.

Brenda said...

I bought that same popcorn last time it was on sale, probably a year ago, and I agree with you, it is just not that tasty! We still have half the box left and my family loves popcorn!