Thursday, February 25, 2010

Flower Children

Sisters are like flowers.
When you are able to spend quality/quantity time with them you find how different each personality is and how beautiful different characteristics can be.  Each is colorful and unique, and you really can't choose a favorite.  Heavenly Father created all of us with such variety and puts us  in various dirt to grow and bloom.
I like being in a flower garden.


 I walked around the grounds this morning watching the gardeners trimming the plants.  They had piles of ice plant that they were tossing away and maybe replanting elsewhere.  I wanted to gather them up to take home to plant. (Does that surprise you?) Had to leave them on the ground--against border rules.  I took a picture of each different flower and have over 40 pictures.  

What do you think about the Health Summit today? 

Venna and I went the Optical office this morning.  We had the name of it the other day but we couldn't find it.  Edwardo from our office drew me a map last night and called the Dr. to get us in this morning.
He quoted a great price for Venna's glasses but we can't stay long enough to have them made.  If we had gone in Tuesday when we first tried she would have them today or tomorrow.  Maybe next year.

I'm going to turn my computer over to Venna so that she can post. She says if she comes again she's bringing her laptop.  She left it home for Kenneth to use but he needs her to run it.

SIGNING OFF FROM ROSARITO--just one more thing----I had time to paint my toenails this morning--it's just pamper, shop, walk on the beach, pamper, eat--play cards and pamper this week.


Larsen's in Wyoming said...

I love your flowers! If Mom's were flowers, I'd pick you! Keep up the pampering, because when you get home you'll be too busy!

Charles Reeve said...

Great post! The Sun finally came out here today and it was nice, but it looks like the weather man is planning another stormy day for you when you get home on Sat. Everything is fine here, but we miss you a lot. Drive safe. XOXO

Claire said...

I am just loving all your stories!
The flowers are Great!
It is true how women are like them!
Each Great in their own way!

Angie said...

Sounds like a great week. Ditto to Emily!